i feel blessed that i even get to have two thanksgiving celebrations - i am Canadian, but am living in nyc for the moment.
But it's not just these holidays that i count my blessings... i am thankful for these every. single. day. SO much to rejoice! have a glorious day.
things i a thankful for + love:
-GOD. FAMILY. FRIENDS. hands down - without these i wouldn't be here.
-having a body that is able to run, jump, yoga it up, surf, skate, dance...
-laughing so hard my tummy hurts
-spending countless hours at small local coffee shops w/ friends & good books
-smiles/smiling/the sounds of smiles (you know you can tell when someone smiles over the phone!)
-MUSIC !!! it makes my heart sing, and just makes every day that much better
-giving for no reason- why should their be one?
-flannel shirts/converse/vanilla candles/mens watches/oversized grey hoodies/worn in t-shirts/sentimental jewelry
-traveling to an unknown destination... hello spontaneity
-not working, but living your passion. THAT should be your job
-simple gestures // sweet, stolen kisses/ long, strong hugs/ cuddles/ handing holding ( one day ;) )
-making a difference
-road trips. woot woot.
-to have lived in Africa--- my heart is forever changed and i think about those children & beauty everyday
-sitting by a camp fire under the stars
-fresh/white bedding
- the sound of an acoustic guitar
-having access to an abundance of healthy & fresh veggies + fruit! Natures food just makes me so happy + keeps me glowing
-receiving mail! old school snail mail
-sleeping in + 5 am sunrises
-reallllly good tea + coffee. I am just so happy w/ a mugful of coffee + reading material + music
-the beach *le sigh* i miss it, and must move back...
-TRAVEL. my heart yearns to see God's great wonders
-witnessing family + friends successes
-having the ability to be passionate + dream. i am a true believer that nothing is impossible... never stop dreaming guys.
AH! so much to be thankful for.
in the end. it's simply about having less, but loving the things you have MORE.
have a good one guys