


SO I totally just disappeared off of my blog. I am so sorry I didn't say a proper goodbye. But I knew it wasn't goodbye, it was just see you later. . . and a few years have passed and a passion has been reignited. I always wanted this space to be an organic extension of myself, and when something stops feeling like that, I stop. I want everything I do to be true and authentic. But things are changing, new and exciting things are ahead and I am SO happy and blessed to be back. 

I won't be posting at this domain any further and have a rad new site that is being designed (by the best designer and friend ever, will reveal more later... ) that I can't WAIT to share with all of you. It will no longer be leeselooks, but LIFEBYLEESE. 

I want to incorporate not only my love for the visual and fashion world, but my outmost passion for the inner self, heart and body. I truly with my whole heart believe that beauty begins from within. Always has and always will. So no matter what you put on your body every. single. day. What shines comes from within. With that I will share so much knowledge I have acquired, researched and thirsted for . . . 

It is a new job. new business and new beginning. 

Watch this space for more . . . as LIFEBYLEESE.com will be coming your way s h o r t l y.

xx Lisa